Novel Strategies to FigHt Child Sexual Exploitation and Human TRafficking Crimes and PrOtect thEir VictimS


Novel Strategies to FigHt Child Sexual Exploitation and Human TRafficking Crimes and PrOtect thEir VictimS

Public Deliverables

Project Coordination Handbook

This Project Coordination Handbook is intended to support partners in the effective and efficient administration and financial management of the project. It is in accordance with the rules and procedures specified in the Grant and the Consortium Agreement as it focuses on project implementation procedures, structures, and coordination and sets out key responsibilities for EU engagement and interaction.

HEROES Advisory Board and Sub Committees Report

This deliverable is fundamentally based on the Consortium Agreement and the Grant Agreement, describes the HEROES’ management structure, and defines the project sub committees: Advisory Board, Ethical, Societal and Legal Committee, Ethics Advisory Board, Scientific and Technical Committee, Communication and Dissemination Committee, IPR and Innovation Committee, External Advisory Board and the Security Advisory Board.

Gender Action Plan

This deliverable includes an analysis of the gender dimension within the consortium and a list of actions to be implemented to improve gender equality.

HEROES Data Protection Legal Framework

This deliverable assesses the current and proposed mechanisms for the obtention of cross-border evidence by LEAs along with an analysis of the data protection acquis in the EU.

Legal and ethical issues about the use of Special Investigative Methods to fight CSAM/CSEM

The present deliverable seeks to analise the legal and ethical issues about the use of Special Investigative Methods to fight trafficking in human beings and child sexual abuse. In this way, it is possible to provide the HEROES operational partners with guidance to assist them in complying with legal provisions and making difficult ethical decisions in their daily fight against trafficking in human beings and child sexual abuse. The deliverable is mostly based on desk research. Its geographical scope lies in Europe and South America, with special regard to the jurisdictions of Spain, Greece, Brazil, and Peru.

Design an online THB and CSA/CSE prevention programs and to provide stakeholders with resources for prevention and response to neglect, CSA/CSE signals in child

This task aims to create an educational Guide to support prevention for CSA / CSE online, focused on the general public, law enforcement, parents and educators. This Guide will build capacity of key stakeholders to better detect and prevent online crimes against children and educate on the appropriate terminology for each type of conduct related to these crimes. This deliverable explains the progress done thus far and presents the Outline and the Creative Brief developed for the Guide.

Enhanced training curricula on recognizing, intervening, and preventing various forms of sexual violence

This report showcases training outlines on the topics of recognizing, intervening, and preventing various forms of sexual violence, including abuse, assault, online solicitation, production and distribution of CSAM/CSEM. The aim of these curricula is to propose courses, e-learning on demand and webinars to strengthen the response capacities of the relevant authorities and to contribute to sustainable training capabilities through ToT. Relevant professionals and stakeholders can reach out to ICMEC to access any of the listed training.

Communications plan – V1

This deliverable presents the project roadmap for the management of communication activities during the 3 years of the project. The project communication strategy establishes the overall communication plan, including the objective, Roles and responsibilities.

HEROES Promotional Video

Connect with HEROES and let's make the world a safer place for children.

We produced a video with the aim of promoting the approach, the project overview and the importance of caring for and protecting children from the crimes of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA), Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and Human Trafficking (THB). Learn more about this and the group of experts working together for a common goal: To fight against the crimes and help victims of human trafficking and child sexual abuse.

Dissemination Plan

This deliverable presents the dissemination activities of the HEROES project where the progress is shown, among which the templates used in the documents, website, publications made by the members of the consortium, events, news and social networks related to the project stand out.

Exploitation Plan

This deliverable presents the project results and actions that are potentially exploitable, as well as the partners capacity to exploit the results. A preliminary market analysis and business models being studied are presented.

Latest Version of Promotional Video

A series of promotional videos have been designed to disseminate the objectives and achievements of the HEROES project in combating crimes of child abuse and exploitation, as well as human trafficking. These videos showcase the technological and social solutions developed in key areas such as Prevention, Investigation, and Victim Assistance. Each video provides a detailed description of the innovative tools and awareness strategies implemented, emphasizing the importance of protecting the most vulnerable members of our society.

Exploitation Plan

This deliverable presents the project results and actions that are potentially exploitable, as well as the partners capacity to exploit the results.